Life's about mental resilience. How do you stay motivated and on track to your dreams? How do you keep your sanity while pursuing your goals? Those are questions everyone has - and good coaches and therapists are have the answer. Get certified, join their ranks and become a respected professional in the Psychology industry!
make your own schedule
learn from proven experts
online learning platform
digital course platform
certificate on completion
unlimited exam retakes
internship opportunities
People want to be happy. To be successful, fulfilled, to see their goals achieved. The biggest barrier? Lack of motivation. Coaches and therapists that specialize in motivation fulfill a vital social role. They keep the rest of us on track - and are valued for that. Our teachers are handpicked professionals eager to share their expertise with you. Our unique practical approach uses a combination of theory and practical exercises to guarantee you effectively retain the knowledge you gain. And as soon as you graduate, you can earn a recognized diploma with your name on it – and use it to pave your way to success.
At our practice, we have 3 people who took an online course. Making our own schedule was a big advantage - we didn't need to leave the office or change our daily schedule. We got certified by just putting a little bit of time in here and there. I'd recommend these courses to anyone who asks! - Employer speaks
We're more open - about what's bothering us, about where we want to be in life and about our difficulties getting there. That openness, in turn, leads to a society where asking for professional help is normalized. As a therapist or mental health coach, you'll find yourself on a growing job market that's thirsty for your skills.
There are many mental health websites and apps of varying effectiveness out there. But nothing we've come up with has the potential to replace a genuine mental health expert. Remember that psychology is an ever-changing field, with new revelations being made on a daily basis. Every day, we come closer to understanding the human brain and its deeper functions. Entering the mental health industry all but guarantees you an interesting future, one full of challenges, discoveries and satisfaction.
As a therapist, I've seen the need for continuous training first-hand. Every once in a while, I'll encounter a situation I'm not sure how to handle, or I'll fall behind and miss out on a newly developed therapy method. That's when I take a course and get back up to speed. I like how straightforward it is - I just buy the course and it's there, on my computer. I look at it whenever I have time after work or on weekends. - Ex-student speaking
The demand for good psychology experts keeps rising. People are more likely to acknowledge they need help and ask for it. They're also likely to talk about it - which means good therapists have word of mouth advertising in their corner. You'll be entering a job market that needs and values you.