Hypnotherapist, a profession with a future!

Many unprocessed emotional events are anchored in our subconscious mind and can cause psychological problems and stress. Through Hypnosis and Regression, you help clear these mental blocks for a more balanced and happier life.

You learn to bring your customers into a light trance, completely relaxed, but with self-control. With the help of conversations, you go back to these moments in their past that have had an impact on them and with subtle clues and suggestions, you ensure that these experiences lose their emotional charge. This is how you put the healing process into effect.

This is a valuable course that enables you as a therapist to tackle certain disorders, traumas or fears in a targeted manner!

Healing takes time, and asking for help is a courageous step.

Mariska Hargitay
do you want...
  • to help clients overcome their traumas
  • to learn the best professional therapy techniques
  • to expand what you can offer as a therapist
  • to study from home, at your own pace and on your own schedule
Hypnotherapy and Regression
Professional training
Coursle - Centre For Distance Learning
Guided home study
3-6 months on average


Program Hypnotherapy and Regression
Hypnotherapy and Regression - Online Course
Course content
  • What is Hypnotherapy?
  • What is Regression?
  • Your role as a therapist
  • Create a personal treatment plan
  • Induction and Trancess methods
  • Ask the right questions
  • Reprogram negative experiences
  • Directions, suggestions and adjustments
  • Trauma and anxiety processing
  • Remove mental blockages
  • (Re) activate the healing process
Competences and skills
  • Being able to find out the problem through a professional intake interview with your client
  • Being able to properly initiate hypno and regression therapy while expertly guiding your client
  • Being able to solve subconscious problems with your skills 
Opportunities for the future
  • Hypnotherapist
  • Lifecoach, Addiction Counselor (Specialization Hypnotherapy)
  • Anxiety coach, Mourning and Loss Consultant (Specialization Hypnotherapy)
  • Give workshops

Starting dates group course Hypnotherapy and Regression

Study method:

At home


Wherever you want

First lesson:

Whenever you want

Last lesson:

Your own choice


Your own schedule

Teachers Hypnotherapy and Regression

Practical info

Study trajectory

Financial info

Hypnotherapy and Regression
Professional training
Coursle - Centre For Distance Learning
Guided home study
3-6 months on average


Nice to know about your education Hypnotherapy and Regression

That's why you choose Coursle - Centre For Distance Learning
The Centre for Distance Learning, part of Ondernemersschool BV, is the largest training provider in the Benelux. It organizes professional training courses for adults from all over the world through the distance learning system. The school is nationally and internationally recognized by various professional associations such as the Wellness Federation, the Centre for Professional Qualification and is registered in the Central Register for Short Professional Education (CRKBO). This means that the educational institution complies with the Quality Code for Education Institutions for Short Professional Education. Moreover, the Center for Distance Learning meets the strict quality requirements of ISO 9001:2015.
Download the eCampus App
Study when and where you want.
Online professional guidance.
Unlimited exam attempts.

Recent blogs


Tony S.
Tony S.

The teacher is very involved with his subject and his students. We learned what is really necessary on the job.

Bruce B.
Bruce B.

Was always welcomed in a very friendly manner. Always received a clear explanation when I needed more info.

Peter P.
Peter P.

Already proved to be very useful to grow professionally.

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