Awareness Coach, a profession with a future!

Are you looking for more insight into what drives you? Dissatisfied with certain aspects of your life or your relationships with others? Do you want to help other people take their lives into their own hands?

Then this specially designed home-course Awareness Coach is your perfect opportunity!

From at home and with the online guidance from a professional subject teacher you learn how to get back in touch with yourself. Via Emotional Freedom Techniques you process negative experiences and release destructive feelings to focus on just one thing: your future. You also study techniques to coach others around you.

do you want...
  • to guide clients to a happier and more balanced life
  • to learn coaching techniques to achieve awareness and deeper insight
  • to know how to deal with negative emotions, trauma, depression and feelings of guilt
  • to start a coaching practice yourself or earn more by expanding your existing offer
  • to study at your own pace, with room for your work, your family and your hobbies
Awareness Coach
Professional training
Coursle - Centre For Distance Learning
Guided home study
3-6 months on average


Program Awareness Coach
Awareness Coach - Online Course
Course content
  • Your options for the future as an independent awareness coach
  • Starting as an awareness coach in secondary occupation
  • The law of attraction & The Secret
  • Choosing the right partner and founding of a family
  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)
  • Psych-K
  • Fear as a cause of tension
  • Hypnotherapy
Awareness Coach - Home Course
Competences and skills
  • Coaching your clients professionally
  • Communicating with your clients correctly
  • Dealing with trauma, depression and feelings of guilt
Course - Awareness Coach
Opportunities for the future
  • Awareness Coach
  • Therapist
  • Neurolinguistic Therapist

Will you join our team?

We are looking for motivated teachers who want to share their knowledge and know-how with our eager students! Do you have at least 5 years of experience being self-employed in your industry? Always passionately talking about your job? Do you want to teach our students your skills? Apply now. We are looking forward to meeting you!

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and renowned school

The Centre for Distance Learning, part of Ondernemersschool BV, is the largest training provider in the Benelux. It organizes professional training courses for adults from all over the world through the distance learning system. The school is nationally and internationally recognized by various professional associations such as the Wellness Federation, the Centre for Professional Qualification and is registered in the Central Register for Short Professional Education (CRKBO). This means that the educational institution complies with the Quality Code for Education Institutions for Short Professional Education. Moreover, the Center for Distance Learning meets the strict quality requirements of ISO 9001:2015.